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Browse our classes for all ages and skill levels. From Babies to adults, beginners to team competitors.
Register now for our 1/2 day or full day Summer Camps. We also offer school break camps and more! 
Let our professional staff entertain your kiddo and their friends at a party they will never forget!

Intown Stars offers healthy, positive programing for all ages and soon will be home to Atlanta's first and only 75,000 sq. ft. intown indoor multi-sport facility. 



Though we have the same important foundations of any USAG member club, Intown Stars Gymnastics represents a value system that sets us apart from other gyms.  We are dedicated to taking care of every students heart and soul; treating each child lovingly and respectfully.  Our professional coaches are friendly and courteous with a focus on developing relationships with students and families.  We believe our job is to coach children in the sport of gymnastics, and educate the families about the sport.  We do this by intentionally building relationships between coaches, parents, students and the gym leadership. This allows us to structure our business decisions around the needs of the families and gymnasts, creating programming and policy to meet those needs. 

We offer coaches ongoing education with occupational therapists, training in positive discipline with alternatives to traditional punishment and consequence methods. We use the sweet and nurturing power of healing baskets, address children's anxieties with "Worry Eater" dolls,  and use Shine a Light on My Feelings tools to address the emotions a child is experiencing with positive solutions.  


"My personal coaching philosophy is that the single most important lesson is any student is capable of whatever accomplishment that they can see and feel — whether that accomplishment is a specific gymnastics skill, or a larger, long-term accomplishment such as placing first in an All-around in a State Meet, getting straight A's, or perfecting a song on the piano. 

As a competitive gymnast, my personal heroes were my coaches and I know how influential they can be in a child's life. Nothing makes me feel more complete than encouraging a child’s physical and emotional development while watching them accomplish goals.

"The body follows the mind” is the mantra I live by.  Children must learn how to use positive language to influence their body’s actions.  This requires a firm, kind, confident, hands-on approach to coaching. Teaching the child to see and feel what they want to accomplish using positive words to help move their vision closer, and simultaneously showing how they are the ones who are making it happen. This process is the key to a child's success and the result is a feeling of accomplishment and confidence."
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